Don't worry, accidents happen from time to time


Unfortunately accidents do happen and approximately 30% of children will experience dental trauma at some stage. Injuries to the mouth include teeth that are knocked out, fractured, pushed out of position or loosened and may also involve fracture of the supporting bone and soft tissue lacerations. These injures are often distressing for both children and their parents. 

The most vital factor in managing dental trauma and improving a tooth's prognosis is time and prompt treatment is extremely important.

In the event of dental trauma please contact our practice and your child will be seen as soon as possible. For injuries that occur after hours, please present to the Accident and Emergency Department of Pindara Private Hospital. If necessary, the emergency doctors will contact Dr Michael Chong to determine the best course of action for your child.



Baby teeth

Baby teeth should not be reimplanted due to the risk of damaging the developing permanent tooth bud.

Permanent teeth

  1. Locate the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the white part). Avoid touching the root.
  2. If the root is dirty rinse the tooth in milk or very briefly in water.  Do not scrub or scrape the tooth.
  3. Immediately reimplant the tooth in the socket by applying gentle pressure.  Ensure the tooth is facing the correct way.
  4. Have the patient bite gently on gauze or a soft cloth to hold the tooth in place
  5. If the tooth is not able to be reimplanted, place it in a container of milk or saline.  Never wrap the tooth in tissue or cloth or allow it to dry.
  6. Seek immediate dental treatment.